Hey, Im Tamara,  wellbeing & movement practitioner, embodiment coach, mover - Human.

My story

My mission

My approach

Dance has been the foundation of my life, but there was a period of my life when I looked at my heritage and body through a lens of dismissal, shame and disregard. Negative connotations placed on the black female body and women in the general dictated my relationship and feelings of worthiness. 

As I started to unlearn the perceptions of the world, I started to develop a deeper presence and reverence for my body different wellbeing practices including breathwork, mindfulness and meditation as a gateways to my wellbeing, I then started to create spaces for women in the form of retreats and coaching containers  to take a moment for themselves, and begining the journey of cultivating a more sustainable, empowering and kind relationship with themselves, supporting their self evolution.


To help 100,000 people  become more confident and curious about their bodies and wellbeing through movement and intentional living. To help them improve their quality of life and to help them reconnect to the aspects of themselves they may have neglected.



CURIOSITY - Get curious and creative about yourself and your life

DISCOMFORT - Lean into the discomfort of doing something different - this translates to how we navigate and experience the world and people around us

RECONNECT- To the aspects of yourself you have forgotten or suppressed

ASPIRE - To live a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Where it began...

My mum is a huge part of the reason I do what I do today. Growing up my friends always knew her as the super self-sufficient (quite stern - but fair) active, cool mum. She played semi-professional netball, won more trophies that could fit on our bookshelves and windowsills and was a strong advocate for being active. 

When I was 16, I became a carer for my mum. Herself and the majority of the other women who played on the netball team had developed mobility challenges, my mum's specifically being osteoarthritis. It was a huge transition for her from being so active to being unable to do simple tasks for herself. I considered staying at home to take care of mum after college, but she told me to go and fulfil my desires and the things I wanted to do in life. With her blessing, I applied to a London university to study Dance.

Fast forward to 2013, I graduated with Honours and started to find my way in the working world.

Unfortunately, "working world" I thought would be much more exciting, wasn't. Things started to feel mundane - let's say a HUGE lack of 'je ne sais quoi".  At winter every year my wellbeing would completely dip and my vitamin D levels would plummet- I later learnt that I was experiencing SAD (seasonal affective disorder).

I started to explore meditation and the benefits of mindfulness and paired it with my love of dance. I started looking into studies and research about the importance of movement for longevity and the mind-body connection which proves that the body has its own intelligence.


In a world where we reside so heavily in our minds, I wanted to create a space where people can start building stronger relationships with themselves - holistically. I started offering mini retreats that focused on movement, self-awareness and self-development. to support people in becoming more connected with themselves and their bodies with wellbeing being the underpinning foundation.

Wellbeing takes so many different forms, but over the years, I've realised one shape does not fit all, I have worked with many individuals and helped them to create a lifestyle that is attainable and sustainable for them. Witnessing my mothers journey, (feeling helpless at the time) is a huge driving force for the work I do today.  The ability to move your body freely, without pain or limitation is a privilege, don't waste it!

Client Wins

 "This experience brought be out of my comfort zone both physically and emotionally. It was fun and also empowering. It was delivered in an open, non judgemental and fluid way which allowed for everyone to hold space, be present and connect to self. Tamara was gentle and kind and her energy allowed for an honest space where I was able to develop new skills and reflect"

Christina - Former professional dancer - Mum of 1

'I've been doing some reflecting and don’t think I have really expressed to you how much you have helped me with my personal development. If we go back to September 2020, I wasn’t in a great place in life, i felt lost, had no confidence, believed I wasn’t talented and really felt that I was stuck in a dead end job whilst watching all my loved ones around me pursue other routes with their careers. I came to you with this and we sat down and you agreed to coach me. - THANK YOU'

Latoya - Business woman, and fab mum of 2

"Tamara, the host who led the embodied retreat, there are not enough words to describe how truly unique she is . She led this retreat with her whole heart, creating an environment where each woman felt they could truly be open and be themselves without any boundaries. Tamara has the warmest energy and love and you could see this come through during the retreat."

Lauren - Creative, professional dancer, wife.

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